Piriformis Muscle Pain | Tailbone and Buttock Pain from Piriformis Muscle Piriformis is a short, deep glute muscle that lies underneath the large Gluteus Maximus muscle....
Tensor Fasciae Latae Pain: What It Feels Like & How To Fix It The best way to treat Tensor Fasciae Latae pain is with deep tissue massage. Scroll...
What is a Trigger Point? A Pain of Muscles What Are Trigger Points? Trigger points are irritable contraction knots in muscles that can cause...
5 Muscles Contributing to Your Low Back Pain that You've Never Heard of Low back pain is an epidemic. The American Chiropractic Association estimates that 80% of Americans...
Gluteus Medius Trigger Points - What They Are And How To Release Them The Gluteus Medius muscle is critical for a healthy lower back and hips. Without Gluteus Medius it would...
Piriformis Trigger Points | Anatomy, Pain Pattern, Symptoms, & Relief Piriformis trigger points are literally a huge pain in the butt. Trigger points in the...
Iliopsoas Trigger Points | Symptoms & Pain Relief via "Myofascial Pain and Disfunction" The Iliopsoas complex is made up of two back-pain-inducing hip flexor muscles - the Psoas...
Psoas Trigger Points - Anatomy, Pain Pattern, Finding Relief Introduction: Function: Trigger Points: Psoas Muscle Psoas Trigger Points Introduction The Psoas is undoubtedly...
Quadratus Lumborum Trigger Points | Everything You Need To Know Quadratus Lumborum trigger points as written by Travell and Simons in Myofscial Pain and Disfunction. The...