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5 Best Side Glute Exercises for a Built Behind

We live in a culture obsessed with glute exercises. Most of these exercises end up focusing on the biggest glute muscle–the glute max. But did you know that two smaller glute muscles often get overlooked in most people’s workout routines? Side glute exercises are the key to: 

- Well-rounded glutes that look fuller

- Stronger glutes capable of lifting more 

- And even less painful lower backs


Today, I’ll show you my 5 best side glute exercises. Along the way, I’ll add pro tips and insights from trying all of these out myself. 

We’re Back Muscle Solutions by the way. We specialize in helping folks with back pain release the muscles and relieve the pain. Your side glute muscles can be a major contributor to lower back pain. Strengthening them using the side glute exercises in this article can help you fortify against back pain and return to the active lifestyle you love! 

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

- What is a Side Glute? 

- 5 Best Side Glute Exercises 

- Side Glute Anatomy 

- Can You Target Your Side Glutes? 

- Side Glutes & Back Pain

- Side Glute Massage 

- Our Best Glute Resources

- Side Glute Exercises FAQs

What is a Side Glute? 

Before we get started, let’s get a little technical–just to make sure we’re all on the same page. 

When we say "side glute," it's not necessarily a scientific term. 

It’s more of a colloquial term for an area on your glutes containing two muscles: 

- Gluteus Medius 

- Gluteus Minimus


I’ll get into more detail about where these muscles are located and what they do. 

But for now, all you need to know is that all of the side glute exercises in this article work either one of these two gluteal muscles. 

5 Best Side Glute Exercises

There are tons of side glute exercises out there to choose from. So, where do you start? 

In my opinion, here are the 5 best side glute exercises. Let’s learn how to build side glutes.


Side Glute Exercises #1: Glute Medius Kickbacks

This is my favorite of the side glute exercises. And while this exercise may seem like a TikTok trend, it’s popular for a reason: It works. Here's how to do it. 

Side Glute Exercises: Glute Medius Kickbacks

Side Glute Exercises: Glute Medius Kickbacks

Side Glute Exercises How To: Gluteus Medius Kickbacks

1) Find a cable machine at your local gym, and set the pulley to knee height. 

2) Use an ankle attachment to get set up on your working leg. 

3) Position yourself so that your non-working leg is right in front of the pulley–as you face the machine. 

4) Angle your feet out slightly towards the side of the working leg–about 30 degrees. 

5) Supporting yourself on the machine, kick your working leg back and out at a diagonal. 

6) Then, slow and controlled, bring your leg back across your body, allowing it to cross your non-working leg. 

7) Repeat for the desired amount of reps and then switch legs. 

I wrote a whole article dedicated to this exercise below: 

How to Do Glute Medius Kickbacks: 11 Pro Tips for Pristine Form

Side Glute Exercises #2: Single Leg Hip Thrusts

Side glutes are stabilizer muscles. Because of this, side glute exercises where you work out one leg at a time can really help activate those side glutes. 

The single leg hip thrust is one of the best side glute exercises that uses this unilateral (single leg) style. 


Side Glute Exercises: Single Leg Hip Thrust

Side Glute Exercises: Single Leg Hip Thrust

Side Glute Exercises How To: Single Leg Hip Thrusts

1) Set up a box or bench so you can lean back against it with the bottom of your shoulder blades–with both of your legs out in front of you. 

2) Bring your non-working leg up, allowing it to form a 90-degree angle. 

3) Now, hinge at the hips, bringing your hips back and balancing on your working leg. 

4) Next, thrust your hips forward, keeping a tight core and squeezing your glutes. 

5) Pause at the top of the motion.

6) Repeat for the desired amount of reps. 


Looking for side glute exercises with weights?

This one’s easy to add weight. Hold a dumbbell across your stomach, and you’ll make the single leg hip thrust even more difficult….in a good way. 

Learn more about this side glute exercise below: 

Single Leg Hip Thrust - The ULTIMATE Glute Exercise!

Side Glute Exercises #3: Lateral Step Ups

Because the side glutes are hip abductors, many of the best side glute exercises involve stepping from side to side

This movement will not only strengthen your side glutes but also get you ready for your next tennis match, basketball game, or any athletic activity involving quick direction changes. 

Side Glute Exercises: Lateral Step Ups

Side Glute Exercises: Lateral Step Ups


Side Glute Exercises How To: Lateral Step Ups

1) First, find a box or bench around knee height. 

2) Stand just to the side of the box–feet shoulder-width apart. 

3) With the leg closest to the box, step up onto the box, pressing your heel into it.

4) When you do this, elevate your other leg, raising your knee to your chest. 

5) Then, slowly lower this leg back to the ground. 

6) Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions. 

7) Then, switch sides. 

Looking for side glute exercises with weights?

Hold a dumbbell or a kettlebell between both hands, and you’ll work those side glutes even harder when you step up. 

And here’s a whole article all about this side glute exercise: 

How To Do Lateral Step Ups With Proper Form

Side Glute Exercises #4: Hip Abduction Machine

There aren’t a ton of gym machines specifically designated for side glute exercises, so I had to throw this one in here. 

The hip abduction machine targets your gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus as well as your tensor fasciae latae and piriformis


Side Glute Exercises: Hip Abduction Machine


Side Glute Exercises: Hip Abduction Machine

Side Glute Exercises How To: Hip Abduction Machine

1) Sit down on the hip abduction machine, and set the weight. 

2) Bring your legs together, allowing the leg pads to come as close together as possible–with your legs between. 

3) Hold the handles, and press your back against the back pad. 

4) Push out with your legs–separating the leg pads from one another as far as you can go. 

5) Return to the starting position slowly. 

6) Repeat for the desired amount of reps. 

Remember how I said to bring your back against the pad? Well, there’s actually a whole debate on whether you should lean forward or not when performing this side glute exercise. 

Read my take on it below: 

Hip Abduction Machine: Should You Lean Forward?

Side Glute Exercises #5: Sumo Squats

Take a regular sumo squat. 

Then, angle out your feet to 45 degrees. 

And you have a sumo squat that will hit all of your glutes. 

The sumo squat is one of the most fun side glute exercises to perform. Just be sure to squeeze those glutes at the top for the best glute work! 


Side Glute Exercises: Sumo Squats for Glutes

Side Glute Exercises: Sumo Squats for Glutes

Side Glute Exercises How To: Sumo Squats

1) Take a wider-than-shoulder-width stance. 

2) Turn your toes out to 45 degrees. 

3) Lower your butt and hips back and down into a squat, bringing your butt level to your knees or lower if possible–thighs parallel to the floor. 

4) Explosively push through your heels to push back up to a standing position. 

5) Squeeze those glutes at the top. 

6) Repeat for the desired amount of reps. 

Looking for side glute exercises with weights?

Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell between both hands, and you can level up the sumo squat. 

And for some pro tips to help with sumo squats, check out the article below: 

Sumo Squats for Glutes: Muscles Worked, How to, Common Mistakes

Side Glute Anatomy

Now that you’ve mastered how to build side glutes, let’s get a bit more scientific. When we refer to side glutes, we’re shouting out to the smaller 2 of the 3 glute muscles. You see, there are 3 glute muscles in total: 

- Gluteus Maximus 

- Gluteus Medius 

- Gluteus Minimus 

The Main Glute: Gluteus Maximus

Gluteus Maximus

Gluteus Maximus is the glute muscle that most people focus on in their workouts. It’s the biggest muscle in the body and the most superficial of the 3 glute muscles–hence it tending to take up all the space in people’s gym routines. 

Learn more about the gluteus maximus below: 

Gluteus Maximus Pain


Side Glute #1: Gluteus Medius

Gluteus Medius

Now for the side glutes. 

The glute medius is located just above the glute max. It connects from the top of the femur to the Iliac Crest (AKA the back of your hip and pelvic bone). Its distinct fan shape means that this muscle spans a large surface area. 

The glute med works as a stabilizer, allowing you to stay upright and balance any time you stand on one leg. This means anything from a single leg hip thrust to literally just walking (when you lift one leg while the other is on the ground). 

Learn more about the gluteus medius below: 

Gluteus Medius Muscle | Anatomy, Function, Pain, & Relief


Side Glute #2: Gluteus Minimus

Gluteus Minimus

Tucked away underneath the glute med, the gluteus minimus is smaller than the glute med, but it performs a similar function of hip stabilization

Learn more about the gluteus minimus below: 

“The Gluteus Minimus: A Muscle You Don't Want to Minimize”

Side Glutes & Back Pain

While you may not associate back pain with glute muscles–the glute medius and minimus are major contributors to lower back pain, especially when they’re weak. 

And in our culture? They’re weak most of the time. 

That’s because these muscles tend to atrophy when we sit, which for many of us is basically all day. Once atrophied, they can become painful and agitated when we add physical activity into the mix

You can see the referred pain pattern for both med and minimus below to get an idea of how these glute muscles send waves of pain to your back. 


Gluteus Medius Pain Pattern: 


Gluteus Minimus Pain Pattern: 

Massaging, stretching, and strengthening these muscles could be the key to getting you out of back pain! 

So to strengthen, refer to these 5 best side glute exercises! 

Can You Target Your Side Glutes?

So, is it possible to target your side glutes when you exercise? 




That said, you can’t totally get rid of the glute max. Your glute muscles like to all work together. 

Both of your side glutes are hip abductors, meaning engage every time we move our leg out to the side of our body. 

Performing hip abduction movements is the best way to bias those side glutes when you work out. 


Side Glute Massage

From our personal experience with lower back pain, we recommend a 4-step approach to healing from back pain. 

Step 1: Massage  

Step 2: Stretching

Step 3: Strengthening 

Step 4: Habit Correction 

This article covers Step 3–strengthening those pesky side glute muscles, which tend to refer a ton of pain to your lower back.

But don’t miss out on the steps that come first. 

Step 1: Glute Massage

To target your gluteus medius for a massage, you’ll need a tool equipped for the job of reaching those hard-to-get muscles. 

We created the QL Claw for none other than just that! 

The QL Claw is the only lower back massager on the market built to hit all 5 muscles that cause lower back pain–including yours truly, the gluteus medius

You can see the layout of the QL Claw below. We use the trigger point and the ramp to massage various muscles. And when it comes to the glute med, it’s that trigger point that’ll be doing most of the work. 


QL Claw

Here’s how to massage your gluteus medius using the QL Claw: 

1) Place the QL Claw behind you–at the uppermost portion of the buttocks that has meat on it. 


Gluteus Medius Massage

2) The ramp should go on your tailbone. And with this placement, the trigger point will most likely hit your gluteus medius out on that side, but you can always reposition to find particularly tender spots around the glute med. 

3) Allow your leg to fall out to the side. 


Gluteus Medius Release

4) Move the massage-side leg up and down to create some movement for the massage. You can also use the opposite leg to create motion. 

Here are video instructions as well: 

Gluteus Medius Release

QL Claw

Finding a gluteus medius massager is not easy. The QL Claw provides an easy way to access massage for your glute medius: 

- At home

- 24/7

- Without having to book with a clinic or a masseuse

Here are some reviews of people who have experienced glute med relief by using the QL Claw: 


QL Claw Review
QL Claw Review

If you're interested in taking ownership of your back pain journey, learn more about the QL Claw below

 QL Claw

Step 2: Glute Stretch 

After massage–and before exercising–you want to stretch and lengthen those tight, angry glute muscles. Here are our best resources for stretching your side glutes: 

"2 Effective Gluteus Medius Stretches” 

Glute Medius Stretch


Gluteus Minimus Stretch With GIF Examples For Pain Relief


Our Best Side Glute Resources 

At Back Muscle Solutions, we’re experts on muscles that cause lower back pain. 

And we’ve made it our mission to help people release the muscles and relieve the pain–on their own–from home. 

Check out some other blog posts and videos–all about side glutes to continue learning: 

Gluteus Minimus Exercises - Top Exercises For Gluteus Minimus

Gluteus Medius Exercises For Lower Back Pain Relief


Gluteus Medius & Minimus Exercises

The Sneaky Gluteus Minimus Pain

Side Glute FAQs


How do you work the side of your glutes?

To work out the side of your glutes, you’ll need to perform hip abduction movements AKA moving your leg out to the side of your body. 

How do I grow the sides of my glutes?

To grow the sides of your glutes, you need to learn about the best side glute exercises. Some of my favorites are the glute medius kickback and the hip abduction machine. 



What squats are good for side glutes?

The best squats for side glutes are sumo squats. You can position your feet angle to bias your glutes. 


Do hip thrusts work side glutes?

Yes, hip thrusts work side glutes AKA your gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles. 


What gym machine for side glutes?

The best gym machine for side glutes is the hip abduction machine or the cable machine (for glute medius kickbacks) - in my opinion. 

What are the side glutes called?

Side glutes are technically called the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. 

Are sumo squats good for side glutes?

Yes, sumo squats are one of the best side glute exercises. 





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