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Hip Abduction Machine: Should You Lean Forward?

You’ve probably seen on TikTok the recent trend of leaning super far forward on the hip abduction machine and placing your hands on the actual machine. It looks a little something like this: 

A TikTok trend is leaning far forward on the hip abduction machine.


So, is this just a trend? Or an effective workout for your glutes and hip muscles? In other words: Should you lean forward when using the hip abduction machine? 

The quick answer: Let’s not get carried away here, people. You don’t have to lean forward as far forward as TikTok tells you to. But that said, a little lean forward or even a little lean back can shift the muscles you work on when using the hip abduction machine. 

Today, we’ll learn all about it, and you’ll leave this article knowing exactly what lean–if any–you want to take during your hip abduction machine exercises.

We’re Back Muscle Solutions, and we specialize in all things back, glute, and hip flexor health. That’s because we’re the creators of the QL Claw. It’s an all-in-one lower back massage device that hits all muscles responsible for causing lower back pain around the world–including the muscles worked when you use the hip abduction machine. 

If you’re interested, click below to learn more about the QL Claw. 

Now, let’s get into it. 

Hip Abduction Machine How To 

Before we get into the technicalities of the hip abduction machine lean angle, let’s start with a basic hip abduction machine how to. 

First, this is what a hip abduction machine AKA outer thigh machine looks like: 

hip abduction machine


Now, for the hip abduction machine how to: 

1) Set the hip abduction machine to a weight that works for you. I recommend starting light. 

2) Sit down on the machine. 

3) Bring your legs together, and adjust the leg pads so they come in as close together as possible–with your legs in between. 


hip abduction machine how to

4) Hold the handles of the machine, and press your back and glutes up against the back pad. (Remember, we’ll talk about the lean later!)

5) Push outward with your thighs–as far as they will go. Be sure to complete a full rep. No half reps here! 

hip abduction machine how to


6) Next, slowly bring your legs back together–under control. 

7) Repeat for 8-12 reps. 

Hip Abduction Machine Muscles Worked

Now that we know the basic hip abduction machine how to, let’s find out the hip abduction machine muscles worked. 

The word ABduct means to move a limb away from the body. So, no surprise that the hip abduction machine works the hip abductor muscles–or muscles responsible for moving the hips and legs away from the body. 

So, what are the hip abductor muscles? 

- Gluteus Medius 

- Gluteus Minimus 

- Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)

- Piriformis 

All 4 of these are muscles worked by the hip abduction machine. 

In addition, this machine may hit some of the upper fibers of the Gluteus Maximus.


Should I Lean Forward When Doing Hip Abduction?

We’ve established the hip abduction machine muscles worked. So now for the hot debate: Should I lean forward when doing hip abduction? 

Lots of people have differing opinions about this topic, so at the end of the day, you’ll need to find one that works for you. But here’s my take. 


Leaning Forward TikTok-Style

Leaning forward TikTok style on the hip abduction machine


TikTok has shifted the way this machine is used, encouraging people to:

Sit forward in the seat

- Lean super far forward

- And actually grab the front or sides of the machine instead of the handles. 

Why would TikTok do this? Because TikTok loves Gluteus Maximus workouts, and with this forward lean, a regular hip abduction machine sort of becomes a hip abduction machine for glutes. 

So, what’s my take on this? Everything should be done in moderation...including the hip abduction machine lean. Here’s why I think this: 

- Leaning so far forward is not the proper way to use this outer thigh machine

- When you stop using the handles of the hip abduction machine, you lose important stability. 

- Leaning this far forward can lead to lower back pain. 

- Plus, it doesn’t intentionally target the muscles this machine was meant to target–those hip abductor muscles. 

If you want a good Glute Max workout, stick to some other machines–such as the glute kickback machine

glute kickback machine


Or the leg press for glutes

Leg Press for Glutes


You can also check out the article below for the 7 best glute machines to find at your gym. 

7 Best Glute Machines to Discover at Your Gym

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s answer: 

Should I lean at all when I use the hip abduction machine? 

→ And what muscles get biased when I change my position? 

Slight Lean Forward When Using the Hip Abduction Machine 

It can help to lean forward about 45 degrees with the hip abduction machine.


If you do want to use the hip abduction machine for glutes (Max and Med), a slight lean forward is the way to go. 

- Grab the handles of the machine. 

- Lean forward–about 45 degrees or so. Everyone’s body is different, so you may need to play around with the angle that helps you feel it in your glutes the most! 

When you lean forward slightly, you target

- The upper fibers of the Gluteus Maximus 

- Gluteus Medius 


No Lean When Using the Hip Abduction Machine 

You can also place your back against the pad for more support on the hip abduction machine.


If you decide to go with the “no lean” style for the hip abduction machine, that’s totally fine. 

When you shift your back and glutes against the back pad, forming a 90-degree angle, you place yourself in a very stable position. 

- This position works well for people who feel unstable when using the hip abduction machine–or people who feel like their body starts to rock or wobble during the exercise. 

- Some people complain that they do not feel the machine working their glutes at all in this position. And if that’s the case, this may not be the best option for you. 

- When you stop leaning forward, you take out any Glute Max work from this exercise. 

With you back against the back pad, you target: 

- Glute Medius 


Leaning Back When Using the Hip Abduction Machine 

You can also lean back when using the hip abduction machine.


And finally, some people prefer to move their butt up in the seat and lean back–so just their upper back hits the back pad. 

In this position, some people choose to elevate their butt off of the seat, which is a bit much for me. But if that’s your jam, go for it. 

When you choose this position, you will most likely feel this in the outer hips the most. 

When you lean back, you target: 

- Glute Medius 

- Gluteus Minimus 

Now that you know the 3 angle options and what muscles they work, you can try out all 3, find find which works for you, and know what muscles you’re actually working. 

Hip Abduction Machine: Pro Tips & Common Mistakes

Apart from the debate about leaning, there are a few other pro tips and common mistakes to pay attention to with the hip abductor machine. 

Mind-Muscle Connection

First, let’s check in about that leaning angle. Whatever angle you choose, the most important thing is that you remember the mind-muscle connection. 

- Know which muscle you want to work. 

- And focus on that muscle as you use the hip abduction machine. 

If you’re not feeling it in that muscle, chances are–you’ll need to play around with the angle and find what’s right for you. 

Go for Full Reps

The hip abduction machine can be a slightly awkward movement, and because of this, some people will stop before they achieve full range of motion. 

Be sure to fully open your hips and bring your legs out as far as they can go for that full rep. 

Don’t Let Those Weights Touch 

Remember to go slow and controlled on the way back. Bring your legs as close together as you can without letting the weights touch. When you do this, you ensure optimal work on those hip abductor muscles. 

Feet Flat & Wide

Be sure to keep your feet flat on the foot pads–bringing them out as far as they can go. 

Hip Abduction vs. Adduction Machine 

As you know, the word ABduct means to move a limb out and away from your body. 

In contrast, the word ADduct means to move a limb in toward the midline of your body. 


While the adductor machine looks very similar to the hip abduction / outer thigh machine, it moves your legs IN instead of OUT. The adductor machine works completely different muscles–the muscles on the inside of your thigh

To learn more about abductors vs. adductors, check out the article below: 

Adductors vs. Abductors: Why You Should Understand the Difference

Some gyms have ONE machine for both–where you can flip the leg pads to perform both movements. While other gyms will have separate machines. 

Hip Abduction Machine Benefits

There are many hip abduction machine benefits–most of which have to do with strengthening muscles that love to cause pain when they’re stiff, sore, and weak. 

So, one of the best hip abduction machine benefits is staying out of pain. 

Your hip abduction muscles are all very important–often underworked–muscles that help stabilize your pelvis. When these muscles are weak, you’ll find yourself susceptible to lower back pain and knee pain. 

When you strengthen these muscles, you minimize the risk of pain in these areas. 

Let’s take a closer look at the hip abduction machine muscles worked, why they’re important, and how they can contribute to back or leg/knee pain. 

Gluteus Medius: This muscle works to keep you upright when you’re just on one leg. Think walking, running, or sprinting. In addition, the Glute Med works in tandem with the Quadratus Lumborum muscle to help keep your pelvis stable and protect your lower back when lifting heavy objects. 

Here are some common pain patterns for the Gluteus Medius: 

Gluteus Medius Referred Pain

Gluteus Minimus: The smallest of the glutes works to stabilize the pelvis. 

Here are some common pain patterns for the Gluteus Minimus: 

Gluteus Minimus pain patterns


TFL: The TFL performs hip flexion AKA when you kick your leg forward and bring your knee to your chest. A sore TFL can lead to pain in the outer hip, thigh, and knee. 

Here is a common pain pattern for the TFL:  

TFL Pain pattern

Piriformis: The Piriformis works to rotate your hips and often leads to pain in your outer glutes and hips. 

Here are some common pain patterns for the Piriformis: 

Piriformis Pain Patterns

One of the best hip abduction machine benefits is that you can work all of these muscles in one machine. 

Can the Hip Abductor Machine Help My Back Pain? 

Two common questions people ask about the hip abduction machine are: 

→ “Is hip abduction bad for back?” 

→ “Are hip abductions bad for sciatica?”

Is Hip Abduction Bad for Back? 

And given what we just learned, the answer is NO–the hip abduction machine is an excellent option for strengthening many muscles that tend to contribute to lower back pain–such as the Glute Medius. 

Are Hip Abductions Bad for Sciatica? 

The hip abduction machine is also a great option if you find yourself suffering from sciatica. In fact, the motion of hip abduction decreases sciatic nerve strain. [1] 

Massaging Your Hip Abductor Muscles 

So, let’s say you try using an outer thigh machine at your local gym–but if hurts? 

What does that mean? 

Well, you probably just have weak glutes from sitting too much–like everyone else in modern society. 

If this is you, I recommend massaging your hip abductor muscles before working them out. 

No tool out there is better for this job than the QL Claw


QL Claw massage device for hip abductors

There are lots of back massage devices out there–but only the QL Claw is designed to target each specific muscle that sends pain to your lower back. This includes your: 

- Gluteus Medius 

- Piriformis 

As well as the TFL (which sends pain to your knees). 

The trigger point of the QL Claw can actually hit these hard-to-reach muscles. Plus, the QL Claw is small enough to fit in your gym bag! So, bring it to the gym for a quick massage sesh before you use the hip abduction machine. Then, see how this machine feels. 

Check out some reviews from customers who got active again after adding the QL Claw into their routine. 

QL Claw Review
QL Claw Review

Check out the QL Claw in action–massaging these muscles in the videos below. 

Gluteus Medius Release


Piriformis Release


TFL Release

Learn more about the QL Claw by clicking the button: 

Hip Abduction No Machine Alternatives

By the way, if you don’t have access to a hip abduction machine, check out these hip abduction  no machine alternatives that you can do right from home. 

Standing Hip Abduction

hip abduction no machine: standing hip abduction


1) Stand with your feet hip-width apart. 

2) Engage your core, and hold on to a stable surface for balance if needed. 

3) Slowly lift one leg out to your side, keeping it straight. 

4) Hold briefly at the top, maintaining balance. 

5) Then, slowly lower the leg back down. 

6) Repeat for 10-15 reps, 2-3 sets. Then switch sides. 

Seated Banded Abduction

hip abduction no machine: seated banded hip abduction


1) Sit upright in a seat with a resistance band placed around your knees. 

2) Just like you would in a hip abduction machine, push your legs out as far as they will go. 

3) Slowly bring them back to the starting position. 

4) Repeat for 10-15 reps, 2-3 sets. 

Resources Beyond the Hip Abduction Machine 

Check out some relevant resources from our library below: 

8 Best Abduction Exercises: Hip Abduction & Shoulder Abduction” 

Standing Hip Abduction: How To, Advanced Alternatives, And MORE!!!” 

Gluteus Minimus Exercises - Top Exercises For Gluteus Minimus

5 Tensor Fasciae Latae Exercises: Strengthening & Pain Relief

Adductors vs. Abductors: Why You Should Understand the Difference

How to Do Glute Medius Kickbacks: 11 Pro Tips for Pristine Form

Best Exercises For Gluteus Medius & Minimus (TOP 4)

Hip Abduction Machine FAQs


What is a hip abduction machine good for?

The hip abduction machine is a great option for working your hip abductor muscles 



Does hip abduction make glutes bigger?

The hip abduction machine can be used to work your Gluteus Maximus if you lean forward slightly. It also works your Gluteus Medius and Minimus muscles. 


Will hip abduction slim thighs?

The hip abduction is not a machine that will slim your thighs. This machine works your hip abduction muscles rather than causing fat loss. 



What are the cons of a hip abduction machine?

The hip abduction machine is an isolated exercise machine–meaning you only target a few muscles at a time. 



What are common mistakes with hip abduction machines?

Many people lean way too far forward during the hip abduction machine. People also like to cheat the reps, not bringing their legs out as far as possible. 



Is hip abduction bad for back?

The hip abduction machine is good for your back, and it will strengthen many muscles that like to cause back pain. 



Are hip abductions bad for sciatica?

The hip abduction machine can help decrease sciatica nerve strain. 



Should I lean forward when doing hip abduction?

If you lean forward during hip abduction, keep it minimal–about 45 degrees to target the upper fibers of the Gluteus Maximus as well as the Gluteus Medius. 





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