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Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes: How To & Form

Dubbed the “love-hate” leg exercise by most people who try it out, the Bulgarian split squat is a challenging leg exercise that many people use for quad and glute development. But what if you really wanted to get that glute focus during a Bulgarian split squat? Did you know that you can bias your Bulgarian split squats for glutes? 

All it takes is a slight form variation, which we’ll cover here. 

Bulgarian split squats for glutes might make you hate your life in the moment, but when you see the rapid glute gains often associated with this move, you’ll see why many turn to this as a favorite glute-worker. 

Today, I’ll show you how to build some serious glutes with Bulgarian split squats, and we’ll cover all the bases. Here’s what we'll talk about: 

- What is the Bulgarian Split Squat? 

- What Muscles Do Bulgarian Split Squats Work?

- Bulgarian Split Squat for Glutes vs Quads

- Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes How To 

- Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes Form & Pro Tips

- Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes vs. Lunges

- Step-Ups vs. Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes

- Split Squats vs. Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes

- Our Best Glute Resources

- Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes FAQs

Now, let’s work some glutes. 

What is the Bulgarian Split Squat? 

The Bulgarian split squat muscles worked are the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

The Bulgarian split squat is similar to a regular split squat–with a key difference. With the Bulgarian split squat, you always elevate your rear foot on a surface behind you. When you elevate that back foot, it creates a lot more work for your front foot–hence people tending to truly hate their lives during this exercise. But that’s okay….because Bulgarian split squats for glutes are always worth it, and today we’ll learn why! 

So, did it originate in Bulgaria? Not exactly. 

But it was promoted by a Bulgarian Olympic weight training coach named Angel Spassov. Some details of how Spassov helped popularize this exercise in the United States are sketchy, to say the least. But word has it that Spassov toured the U.S. in the ’80s, raved about the benefits of the Bulgarian split squat, and even elevated it above a typical back squat. [1] 

While the Bulgarian split squat does not directly replace the back squat in terms of muscles worked and benefits–it did become a workout staple after Spassov’s endorsements. 

What Muscles Do Bulgarian Split Squats Work?

A typical Bulgarian split squat works both your quads and your glutes–with a little hamstring work sneaking its way in there, too. 

That said, if you want to really focus on your glutes with this exercise, you’ll need to change your form just slightly. 

Bulgarian Split Squat for Glutes vs Quads

So, we know the Bulgarian split squat muscles worked are the: 

- Quads

- Gluteus Maximus

- Gluteus Medius 

- Gluteus Minimus

So, how do we bias each muscle during a Bulgarian split squat? Let’s compare Bulgarian split squats for glutes vs quads.

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes

Here is the basic Bulgarian split squats for glutes form: 

Bulgarian split squats for glutes form

- Front foot further out 

- Torso leaning forward

- Go up at a diagonal 

So now, let’s explore the why behind these tips. 

Front Foot Further Out 

When performing Bulgarian split squats for glutes, your front foot should be out far enough so that your knee and calf form a 90-degree angle or more

The reason for this is that when you bring your foot closer, you create knee flexion–a motion that always leads to working the quad muscle. 

We shift this to the glute when that front leg comes out further. 

Torso Leaning Forward

Go ahead and try performing a normal squat for a minute. 

In a normal squat, when you keep your torso vertical, you’ll notice first that your knee angle is less than 90 degrees, which we know biases the quads. You should also feel the quads engage with the up-and-down vertical motion of the squat. 

Now, shift your hips and butt back–kind of like when performing an RDL–and squat down. First, do you see the difference in your knee angle? The angle should be wider, and this helps activate your glutes. Also, you should feel your glutes activate as you push your hips back into the motion. 

Go Up at a Diagonal 

The same concept applies to raising yourself back up from the squat. 

If you think about lunging forward–rather than just going straight up and down–you’ll end up lighting up those glutes instead of your quads. 

Bulgarian Split Squats for Quads

Compared to the form we discussed above, if you want to perform Bulgarian split squats for quads, here’s what you’d do: 

Bulgarian split squats for quads form

- Front foot closer to you (less than 90 degrees)

- Torso vertical

- Go straight up and down

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes How To

Now that you know the basics of Bulgarian split squats for glutes form, let’s take it from the top. Here’s a quick Bulgarian split squats for glutes how to: 

1) Find a surface to help you elevate your rear foot–a bench or a padded bar on a Smith machine. 

2) Select your desired weight, and have it close by. Most people use dumbbells for Bulgarian split squats for glutes. 


Use a plyo box and dumbbells for Bulgarian split squats for glutes.

3) If working the left leg, place your right foot flat on the surface behind you. 


Bulgarian split squats for glutes form

4 Bring your front foot forward enough, so your knee is at 90-degree flexion or slightly more. 

5) Hold a dumbbell in each hand. 


Bulgarian split squats for glutes how to

6) Now, lean your torso slightly forward and push your hips back as you descend into the squat. 


Bulgarian split squats for glutes how to

7) When you raise up from the squat, keep your torso leaning forward–going up at a diagonal for consistent glute focus. 

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes Form & Pro Tips

Now you know the difference between Bulgarian split squats for glutes vs quads, AND we’ve covered the basics of Bulgarian split squats for glutes how to.

Next up, the pro tips that will take you from shaky to confident when it comes to all those form details. 

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes Form Tip #1: Drive Through the Heel

When it comes to Bulgarian split squats for glutes, focus on driving through the heel on the way up from the squat. This helps maintain the torso-leaning-forward position all the way through the movement

Picture pressing the heel into the floor and driving through the heel to maintain the lunging forward position and call upon those glutes! 


Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes Form Tip #2: Should You Go Heavy on Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes?


Bulgarian split squats for glutes weight

Yes, you can definitely load up some weight on Bulgarian split squats for glutes. 

That said, you'll probably end up lifting heavier on a back squat because the exercise uses both legs

With Bulgarian split squats for glutes, you’ll need to keep in mind that you’re working the glutes just one leg at a time. Even so, you’ll most likely be able to lift a decent amount of weight during Bulgarian split squats for glutes. In fact, you’ll probably find that when you go heavier on the weight, it will help your body feel more stable and anchored as you squat. 

The one downside of going heavy? Your muscles will hate you in the moment

When it comes to weight, you have a choice. You can use: 

- Dumbbells in both arms

- A single kettlebell

- Or even a barbell across your back. 

Personally, I prefer using a dumbbell in each hand. In my opinion, the dumbbells help me feel sturdy and balanced as I squat. 

I also always like to start Bulgarian split squats for glutes with purely bodyweight for my warm-up–just to help my body adjust to the finer details of the motion. 

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes Form Tip #3: Keep Your Knee From Caving In

Even though it pays to go heavy with the Bulgarian split squats for glutes, you’ll probably find that when you do so, the knee of your front leg might have a tendency to cave in just a bit. 

We want to avoid this because this will affect muscle activation during the exercise. 

Instead, focus on keeping your knee straight out in front of you, and that’ll help. 

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes Form Tip #4: How High Should the Surface Be For Your Back Foot?


Bulgarian split squats for glutes plyo box

Try to find a bench or plyo box that is just around the height of your foot when you bring it back behind you. 

When I first started using Bulgarian split squats for glutes in my exercise routine, I put a pad over a low-set Smith machine bar. Find whatever surface works for you! 

To make the exercise easier, you can go lower with the height of the surface for your back foot. 

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes Form Tip #5: Keep Your Foot Flat on the Bench

Not just your toe. Your whole foot needs to be flat on the bench or elevated surface behind you for optimal support! 

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes vs. Lunges

Now that you know the perfect Bulgarian split squats form, let’s compare Bulgarian split squats for glutes to a few other popular exercises. 

First comparison: Bulgarian split squats for glutes vs. lunges

If you're looking for the best glute activation exercises, look no further than Bulgarian split squats for glutes. 

Because you place a heavier load on the working leg during Bulgarian split squats for glutes, this is a superior glute exercise. Not to mention, you gain extra stability from having to balance with the back leg elevated.

Lunges, on the other hand, are more of a functional movement. For example–when you move your foot forward and back during the lunge, you mimic typical motions you would make just during your everyday movements. 

Many people also like to know: Are reverse lunges or Bulgarian split squats better for glutes?

And, while reverse lunges are in fact a better glute exercise than forward lunges–they still come short when compared to the benefits of Bulgarian split squats for glutes. 

Step-Ups vs. Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes


Step-Ups vs. Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes

One other glute exercise that often gets compared to Bulgarian split squat glute focus is the step-up for glutes. 

So, let's compare step-ups vs. Bulgarian split squats for glutes. 

Both exercises are effective exercises for glutes as well as quads and hamstrings. 

That said, Bulgarian split squats still dominate over step-ups in a few areas: 

Stabilizer muscle work: In addition to working the glute max, Bulgarian split squats for glutes are considered to work the gluteus medius muscle–a stabilizer muscle that we use every day for balance. 

More time under muscle tension: Comparing step-ups vs. Bulgarian split squats for glutes–it’s the split squats that offer more time under tension–typically giving you more bang for your buck with the muscle work. 

From my experience trying both exercises, I’ve found that both enhance my glute workouts! That said, step-ups make me hate my life a little less in the moment. So, if you need an easier day or are just not feeling it, step-ups for glutes could be a great option. 

I always feel it in my glutes more the next day with Bulgarian split squats for glutes. So, if you’re feeling ready to push it and get max results, go for the split squats! 

To learn more about step-ups for glutes, check out the article below!


Split Squats vs. Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes

And finally, let’s compare regular split squats to Bulgarian split squats for glutes. 

The main difference between a regular split squat and Bulgarian split squat glute focus is the rear elevated foot. 

When you elevate your back foot during Bulgarian split squats for glutes, you make this a unilateral exercise, helping you focus on just one side at a time.

Regular split squats will provide less glute activation–no surprise there. But they can still be used to build lower body strength and stability. 

You can also check out this article on the ATG split squat: 

ATG Split Squat

Our Best Glute Resources

Looking for more resources on glute exercises? Start here! 

Glute Articles

Sumo Squats for Glutes” 

7 Best Glute Machines to Discover at Your Gym” 

Back Extensions for Glutes: Unlock Glute Gains With This Exercise

Leg Press For Glutes” 

Glute Videos

Glute Activation Exercises For Lower Back Health

Lateral Band Walks To Activate And Fire Up Your Sleepy Glutes

Glute Massage

Did you know that the glute medius is one of the most prevalent causes of lower back pain

At Back Muscle Solutions, we use science-backed technology to provide consistent massage and relief for glute medius-related back pain–as well as all 5 muscles that tend to contribute to lower back pain

The QL Claw lower back massager has a uniquely designed trigger point made to massage sore muscles and get you back to the gym living the active lifestyle you love


Gluteus Medius Massage Device

Here’s a video of the QL Claw in action–working the gluteus medius. 

See what people have to say about the Claw below.


Glute medius release tool

Glute medius release tool

And click the button below to learn more for yourself! 

QL Claw

Bulgarian Split Squats for Glutes FAQs

Are Bulgarian split squats good for glutes?

Yes, Bulgarian split squats are a good exercise for glutes no matter how you slice it. You can also bias your form to target the glutes specifically. 

Do Bulgarian split squats grow glutes?

Yes, Bulgarian split squats grow glutes, especially if you lean your torso forward slightly and push your hips back during the exercise. 

Why don't I feel Bulgarian split squats in glutes?

If you don’t feel Bulgarian split squats in your glutes, most likely you’re staying vertical during the split squat instead of leaning forward slightly for that glute focus. 

How to emphasize glutes on Bulgarian split squat?

During Bulgarian split squats for glutes, focus on these cutes: 1) Front foot further out, 2) Torso leaning forward, and 3) Go up at a diagonal. 


Which split squat is best for glutes?

When it comes to split squats, the Bulgarian split squat for glutes is king. 

Which squats target the glutes the most?

For squats that target glutes, check out the sumo squat for glutes or the Bulgarian split squats for glutes. 

Should you go heavy on Bulgarian split squats?

Yes, you can go fairly heavy on Bulgarian split squats for glutes. I always recommend starting light and increasing the weight from there. 

How many Bulgarian split squats should I do a day?

I recommend 2 working sets of 5-10 reps. 

Are Bulgarian split squats better than lunges for glutes?

Yes, Bulgarian split squats offer more glute activation than a regular lunge. 







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