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Psoas Trigger Points - Anatomy, Pain Pattern, Finding Relief

Psoas trigger points are clinically proven to cause severe lower back and hip discomfort [1]. Fortunately - the solution can be as simple as intentional massage by a professional or purposefully made tool at home. Read on to discover what psoas trigger points are, and more importantly what you can do to treat them.

Psoas Introduction:

Muscle Function:

Trigger Points: 

Finding Relief: 

Psoas Muscle & Trigger Points

Psoas Muscle


Psoas Trigger Points Introduction

The Psoas is undoubtedly one of the most common back pain-inducing muscles. If you are familiar with back pain, you likely already know your way around the Psoas and if not - you need to learn. Your lower back will thank you.

Psoas trigger points are very common in modern culture. A few thousand years ago humans decided to take the Psoas muscle to war by inventing chairs... and chairs are winning the battle. Sitting is a hip-flexed position, so the nature of sitting in a chair automatically encourages Psoas trigger points and tightness. Psoas tightness is very common in desk job workers and students.

How To Release Psoas Trigger Point

Psoas Trigger Point Pain In Action (Dramatized)


Psoas Trigger Points Anatomy & Function

As written by Travell and Simons: "The primary function of the psoas major muscle is flexion of the hip." [1] p. 1198. Psoas is the hip flexor muscle that connects the lumbar vertebrae to the femur. It functions in hip flexion (lifting the knee to the chest), and tends to tighten and develop trigger points from excess sitting. Psoas is used in swinging the leg forward during running, as well as any motion that brings the knee toward the chest - for example marching in place or doing a hanging leg raise exercise.

There is also evidence to suggest that the Psoas functions in spinal stability. "Yoshio et al found that the psoas major muscle acts primarily as a spinal stabilizer when the hip is flexed 0° to 45°." [1] p. 1200. There are conflicting views on this topic, but it is safe to assume a strong, flexible, trigger-point-free Psoas is ideal.

Psoas Trigger Points And Function

The Iliopsoas Muscles [1]. The Iliopsoas complex contains the Psoas Major, Psoas Minor, and Iliacus muscles.


Psoas Trigger Point Pain Pattern

"It’s a mistake to assume the problem is at the place that hurts." [2] p. 36. Trigger points can refer pain to adjacent parts of the body, and Psoas trigger points are no exception. As stated by Clair and Amber Davies, it is a mistake to assume the problem is where your pain is [2].

The bright red regions below represent the pain pattern caused by Psoas Trigger points. There are other muscles that can cause pain in these areas, but if you have resonated with having a Psoas issue so far I would encourage you to read into Psoas trigger points.

Psoas Trigger Points Referred Pain Patterns

Psoas Referred Pain Pattern [1]

Psoas trigger points can cause pain in the lower back region, as well as the front of the upper thigh. "Pain referred from TrPs (Trigger Points) in the iliopsoas muscles forms a distinctive vertical pattern ipsilaterally along the lumbar spine" [1] p. 1201. This quote is descriptive of the referred pain pattern in the left-most image, which is the pointed lower back pain that many patients describe.

Travell & Simons also mention that difficulty standing after sitting for a long time is a telltale sign of Psoas trigger points [1]. When a patient extends the spine to stand upright and feels pain, Psoas trigger points are likely at fault. Imagine an old uncle letting out an "Ope... AHHH" when gingerly standing up straight for the first time in 3 hours - that guy could benefit from a Psoas massage.

Psoas Trigger Points

Psoas Trigger Point General Feeling


How To Release Psoas Trigger Points

The best way to release Psoas trigger points is by laying on your Psoas release tool, breathing deeply, and tilting back and forth with light motion.

A great Psoas release tool for releasing Psoas trigger points is the QL Claw device. QL Claw was designed to massage all 5 muscles that contribute to low back pain, including the back-wrenching Psoas - to get you back into the activities you love pain-free.

Resource: What Does Psoas Release Feel Like?

Psoas Trigger Point Release Using the QL Claw Device

Psoas Trigger Point Release Using the QL Claw


If you are fed up with Psoas trigger points, check out the Psoas release tutorial and QL Claw below - and relieve the pain right at home. Let's get you back into the sports and activities you have been missing out on!


Psoas Release Tutorial

QL Claw


[1] Donnelly, Joseph M. Travell, Simons & Simons Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: the Trigger Point Manual. 3rd ed., Wolters Kluwer Health, 2019.

[2] Davies, Clair, and Amber Davies. The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief. 3rd ed., New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2013.

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