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Iliacus Muscle - What It Is And How To Release It

The Iliacus muscle is a strong hip flexor and a huge contributor to lower back pain when tight. Iliacus can get chronically tight when sitting, something we all do in excess in today's world. This tightness often expresses as pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips.

In this article we cover what the Iliacus muscle is, how to determine if it is causing the pain, and most importantly how to fix it.

Iliacus Muscle

Iliacus Muscle


Iliacus Muscle Anatomy & Function

Anatomy: Where Is The Iliacus Muscle?

The Iliacus is an outer hip flexor muscle in the front of the body, in what can be described as the upper-thigh crease. Iliacus connects from the top of the hip, travels inside the pelvis, and connects again to the top of the femur. It lies next to its twin hip flexor the Psoas muscle.

To feel the Iliacus muscle, try digging your thumb into the inside face of your hip bone, 0-2 inches above the waistline.

Iliacus Muscle Location

Function: What Does The Iliacus Muscle Do?

The Iliacus muscle functions in hip flexion, as in bringing the knee to the chest. Activities like kicking a soccer ball, marching, and climbing stairs require substantial effort from the Iliacus muscle. The Iliacus muscles also can work very hard while doing sit-ups and leg raises, although the abdominals should be the main mover [1].

There is also evidence that the Iliacus muscle also has a function in trunk and pelvic stability [1]. Meaning, it helps structurally support the hips and lower back. Lastly, Iliacus can tilt the pelvis forward (anterior pelvic tilt - think Donald Duck posture), which is ok in small doses but painful when consistent and long-lasting.


Iliacus Muscle Pain Symptoms

Sitting & Iliacus Muscle Pain

Iliacus muscle pain is common in people who sit in chairs the majority of their days, particularly while slouching [2]. This is because the Iliacus muscle is shortened while in the sitting position. A short, tight Iliacus muscle is a recipe for lower back pain because of the strain it places on the back.

Desk workers should be very cognizant of their Iliacus muscles while sitting too long to avoid lower back pain. Becoming proficient in Iliacus muscle release and stretching can counteract the straining effects of sitting all day for years and decades.

Iliacus Muscle Pain Pattern Chart

Iliacus muscle pain is most commonly felt in the lower back, but Iliacus pain can also express in the upper thigh [1]. The bright red in the image below details where the Iliacus (and Psoas) muscle causes pain on the body. The image only shows pain caused by one Iliacus muscle, but generally both Iliacus muscles are tight together and cause pain on both sides.

 Iliacus Muscle Pain Chart

Iliacus Muscle Pain Pattern Chart [1]

Additional Iliacus Muscle Pain Symptoms

  • Vertical lower back pain along the lumbar spine [2]
  • Pain and difficulty standing up after sitting for a long time [1]
  • Comfort when side-lying in the fetal position [1]
  • Difficulty and pain when doing sit-ups [2]
  • Stiffness in the hips and groin [2]


Iliacus Muscle Release & Pain Relief

Fortunately, there are two straightforward steps to releasing Iliacus muscle tension and pain: 1) Massage, and 2) Stretching.

Step 1: Iliacus Release / Massage

The best way to release the Iliacus muscle of its tightness and pain is intentional, targeted deep tissue massage. It is important that deep tissue massage is done first because a knotted, tight muscle is near impossible to stretch.

Effective Iliacus massage can be done with the hands of a professional in a clinic, or with an Iliacus release tool like QL Claw. QL Claw is great for Iliacus muscle release with its targeted, hooked design and rubber-like material.

Unlike massage rollers and balls, QL Claw is designed specifically for deep, targeted massage of the 5 main muscles that could be causing lower back pain and more.

If you access to have an at home tool, massage the Iliacus twice per day for 4 days and see how you feel. Spend 2-3 minutes massaging each Iliacus each session, and remember to breathe deeply and slowly - signaling to the body that its muscles are safe to calm down and release.

Iliacus Muscle Release Placement

Iliacus Muscle Release In Action

Iliacus Muscle Release Using QL Claw

Iliacus Muscle Release Using QL Claw


QL Claw has written and video tutorials on Iliacus muscle release, as well as all other muscles (Psoas, QL, Gluteus Medius, and Piriformis) that could be causing pain. Learn more at the links below!


Iliacus Release


Step 2: Iliacus Stretch

After successfully releasing the knots and tightness in the Iliacus, you should be able to stretch and lengthen the muscle. Perform a hip flexor stretch such as the couch stretch, spiderman, or the variation in the video below to lengthen the Iliacus muscle and relieve tension in the lower back.

Examples Of Iliacus Stretches:

  • Couch Stretch
  • Spiderman
  • Upward Dog
  • World's Greatest Stretch
  • Front-back leg swings while standing


Thank you for reading about the Iliacus muscle, what it is, its pain symptoms, and how to release it! Grab a QL Claw to release the pain for good, or read these next for more understanding of the Iliacus muscle and conquering lower back pain:

Iliopsoas Trigger Points

Hip Flexor Pain

Hip Flexor Muscles



Iliacus FAQ:

How To Stretch The Iliacus Muscle:

Massage with an Iliacus release tool, followed by an Iliacus stretch like the World's Greatest stretch, Couch stretch, or Spider-man stretch. See the video above for one example of an Iliacus muscle stretch.

How To Release Tight Iliacus Muscle:

The most effective way to release a tight Iliacus muscle is targeted, intentional deep tissue massage. This can be done by the hands of a professional, or at home with a purposefully designed Iliacus release tool like QL Claw.

What Happens When The Iliacus Muscle Contracts?

The thigh is raised when the Iliacus muscle contracts. The Iliacus muscle is a hip flexor, meaning it flexes the hip joint and brings the knee closer to the chest when it contracts.




[1] Donnelly, Joseph M. Travell, Simons & Simons Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: the Trigger Point Manual. 3rd ed., Wolters Kluwer Health, 2019.

[2] Davies, Clair, and Amber Davies. The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief. 3rd ed., New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2013.

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