If you’re experiencing hip pain, you may be feeling stiffness, swelling, or limited range of motion. And let’s be honest: You need your hip pain to stop. KT tape for hip pain could be a solution to get you out of pain–right from home.
You’ve probably heard of KT tape before. Maybe you’ve seen your favorite college basketball player wearing KT tape during a game. Or maybe you’ve actually worn it during your own athletic activity. But did you know that you can use KT tape for hip pain specifically?
In fact, depending on what type of hip pain you’re experiencing:
- General Hip Pain
- IT band pain
- Hip Flexor Pain
- Groin pain
…there are different methods of KT tape for hip pain that you can use to get hip pain relief.

We’re Back Muscle Solutions, and we specialize in all things lower back, glute, and hip pain. In fact, we’re known for our system of getting people out of pain from home–without dropping loads of money on clinics.
We’re all for at-home remedies here, which is why we put together this comprehensive guide on how to use KT tape for hip pain. Along the way, we’ll share some of our other best tips for how to get out of hip pain fast.
We’ll cover:
- What is KT Tape for Hip Pain?
- Basic Tips for How to Use KT Tape for Hip Pain
- KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to Hip
- KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to IT Band
- KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to Hip Flexor
- KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to Groin
- KT Tape for Hip Pain and Lower Back Pain
- KT Tape for Hip Pain: Hip Bursitis
- KT Tape for Hip Pain: Hip Arthritis
- KT Tape for Hip Pain: FAQs
Let’s get started.
What is KT Tape for Hip Pain?

Kinesiology taping–or KT taping–has been used as a method for treating injuries since the 70’s. That said, it wasn’t until the 2008 Olympic Games that this method of treatment became popular with the general public, and that’s because KT tape was donated to over 58 countries and used by major athletes from those countries for the world to see. [1]
Since then, this method has risen in popularity. Based on studies, KT taping has mixed results, and this includes using KT tape for hip pain. [1, 2, 3] Despite mixed studies, many people swear by this method, and that’s why you still see plenty of athletes rocking KT tape in many colors and designs all over their bodies.
So, at the end of the day, if you have hip pain–and nothing else is working–KT tape could be a great option for you to try.
The best case scenario: KT tape for hip pain helps your hips feel less painful!
The worst case scenario: You look cool and athletic with your KT tape (but should find another solution for hip pain, such as deep tissue massage!)
So, if you’re interested in learning more about KT tape for hip pain, let’s first start with: What actually is KT tape?

KT Tape is a therapeutic fitness tape. And not only does it look cool when you put it on, but it’s designed to help with common, everyday pain and minor injuries through supporting muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
How does KT tape work?
KT Tape is supposed to help lift the skin under it, which actually increases blood flow to that area.
This lifting of the skin can also decrease the amount of pain and pressure you feel from trigger points throughout your body.
Additionally, KT Tape boasts the ability to help the body’s lymphatic system drain waste products, and this leads to less swelling, and ultimately, less pain.
Overall, KT tape may help enhance the healing of aches, pains, and minor injuries.
Basic Tips for How to Use KT Tape for Hip Pain
So, now that we know about KT tape, here are some basic tips to follow when applying KT tape:
- It’s always best to apply the tape at least 60 minutes before an athletic activity that may exacerbate the pain in that area.
- Before taping, the area should be clean and dry. That means no lotion.
- It’s recommended to not overstretch the tape when you put it on.
- Round all of the edges to prevent peeling
- Rub the tape firmly after applying it to promote a stronger stick. The warmth from the friction helps it stick better.
- Avoid aggressively pulling from the skin. (Literally, don’t rip the bandaid off.)
When it comes to your hips, there are several areas that tend to cause grief and pain, such as:
- Your hips in general
- Your IT band
- Your hip flexors
- Your groin
The great news is: KT tape can help alleviate pain in all of these areas, so let’s learn how to use KT tape for hip pain.
KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to Hip (General Hip Pain)

When it comes to using KT tape for hip pain in general, especially pain right on the hip joint, you’ll want to follow these instructions below.
(Please note that, for demonstration purposes, the photos show placing the KT tape over clothing. But in reality, you would apply the KT tape directly to your skin.)
1) Take 2 strips of KT tape, and cut them in half, so you have 4 half strips in total.
2) Allow your hip to stretch by just slightly rotating your torso.
3) Place the first strip on top of the pain point, using a slight stretch on the KT tape. Typically for this variation, you’ll want to place the KT tape right around your hip joint.

4) Place the second strip of KT tape across the first, forming a plus sign.

5) Now apply the third and fourth strips–forming an “X” over the existing strips, so you ultimately end with a star.

KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to IT Band

The iliotibial (IT) band is a dense tendon extending from your tensor fasciae latae (TFL) muscle (on the side of your hip) all the way down to your knee. Though your IT band doesn’t stretch or contract like a muscle, it can become tight when the TFL is tense, often causing pain in the hip and along the outer thigh.
This pain is common among runners, as the IT band endures repetitive stress with each stride.
Here’s how to use KT tape for hip pain in the IT band. You’ll need 2 full strips of KT tape for this type of hip pain.
(Please note that, for demonstration purposes, the photos show placing the KT tape over clothing. But in reality, you would apply the KT tape directly to your skin.)
1) Apply the first strip on the side of your hip/leg. The KT tape should run from your mid-thigh to just above your knee.

2) Apply the second strip of KT tape just parallel to the first strip.

For IT band pain, it can also be helpful to use a deep tissue massage tool to provide continued relief for your TFL and IT band.
For this, I recommend the QL Claw because its unique trigger point targets very specific hip muscles, including the TFL (which then helps your IT band).

Learn more about the QL Claw below:
Check out the review below, from one of our customers, who experienced direct relief for his IT band, using the QL Claw.

You can also see an instructional video below on how to use the QL Claw for IT band release.
IT Band Release & Stretch
Or check out our article below:
“TFL Muscle - What It Is And How To Release It”
KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to Hip Flexor

Your hip flexors are located in the front of your upper thigh–just below your hip bones.
Hip flexor pain is often caused by prolonged sitting, which shortens and strains muscles like the iliopsoas (iliacus and psoas) and TFL.
These muscles play key roles in lifting the leg forward and stabilizing the hip, but when they are tight, they lead to pain in the lower back, hip, and sometimes the outer thigh.
Besides sitting, high-impact activities like sprinting or climbing can also trigger hip flexor pain if the muscles aren’t conditioned.
Here’s how to use KT tape for hip pain in your hip flexors. You’ll need 2 strips of KT tape for this one.
(Please note that, for demonstration purposes, the photos show placing the KT tape over clothing. But in reality, you would apply the KT tape directly to your skin.)
1) Place the first KT tape strip just above your hip bone.
2) Next, run it down the front of your hip/thigh.

3) Place another KT tape strip parallel to the first strip.

Just like for TFL, deep tissue massage is also an effective solution for hip flexor muscles like the Psoas and Iliacus.
The best tool for the job is again the QL Claw, whose trigger point is purposefully designed to hit both of these hip flexor muscles.
Check out the review below from a customer who experienced deep relief for his Psoas and Iliacus muscles.

Here’s a step-by-step video for how to use the QL Claw for your Psoas:
Psoas Release
You can also learn more about Psoas release in the article below:
And we’ve got the same good stuff for your Iliacus as well.
Here’s a step-by-step instructional video on how to release the Iliacus:
Iliacus Release
You can also learn more about Iliacus release in the article below:
KT Tape for Hip Pain: How to Apply to Groin

Hip and groin pain are often closely related, and you can use KT tape for both hip pain and groin pain.
Here’s how to use KT tape for groin pain. To use KT tape for groin pain, you’ll need 2 full strips.
(Please note that, for demonstration purposes, the photos show placing the KT tape over clothing. But in reality, you would apply the KT tape directly to your skin.)
1) Start by attaching the KT tape at the top of your hip.
2) Next, stretch the KT tape down and across your thigh–reaching your inner thigh and running the tape along any areas of pain.

3) Finally, run another strip of KT tape just parallel to the first strip.

KT Tape for Hip Pain and Lower Back Pain
Often, lower back pain is commonly caused by hip flexor muscles. For example–muscles like the Psoas and Iliacus can directly contribute to lower back pain.
Check out our video below to learn more about the link between lower back pain and hip flexors:
Lower Back Pain From Sticky Hip Flexors
You can also check out our article: “Can Hip Flexors Cause Back Pain? HECK YES: Here’s Why!”
If hip pain, lower back pain–or both–are stopping you from enjoying the active lifestyle you used to love–it’s worth knowing how to address those muscles head-on.
At Back Muscle Solutions, we’re all about putting the power back in the hands of the people with the pain.
That’s why we developed an at-home system for getting out of lower back pain. This system doesn’t require you to spend repeated fees at a clinic.
Plus, it educates you on massage, stretch, and strengthening techniques you can use for the rest of your life. So, rather than just asking a doctor to “fix” your back, you can actually do it yourself.
Learn more about The QL Claw System by clicking the button below:
KT Tape for Hip Pain: Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis is a painful hip condition where the bursa in the hip becomes inflamed.
Bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions between bones and surrounding soft tissues. When working correctly, they function as little shock absorbers, reducing friction and wear and tear on your hip joint (and other joints).
When a hip bursa becomes irritated or inflamed, this is known as hip bursitis.
So, is KT tape for hip bursitis a good solution?
Just like all things with KT tape–the verdict is still out–but many people say that KT tape for hip bursitis is an effective solution.
To use KT tape for hip bursitis, follow the instructions in the first section for general hip pain.
You can also use KT tape that has multiple strips on it, and overlay two pieces to form a grid. This grid is supposed to help drain unnecessary fluid in that area, helping with hip bursitis.
KT Tape for Hip Pain: Arthritis
Some people also swear by KT tape for hip arthritis.
Hip arthritis is a degenerative joint condition where the cartilage in the hip joint wears down over time, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.
Symptoms of hip arthritis include pain in the groin, thigh, or buttocks, so KT tape can certainly address those areas of pain.
If you’re struggling with arthritis in your hip, try out KT tape to see if it provides relief for you!
KT Tape for Hip Pain FAQs
Does KT Tape help hip flexor strain?
Yes, KT tape can help with hip flexor pain and minor injuries.
How do you wrap your hip for hip pain?
How you wrap your hip for hip pain depends on the location of your pain. See our article above for instructions for how to use KT tape for hip pain in your general hip, hip flexors, IT band, and groin.
What does taping your hip do?
Taping your hip can help lift the skin in that area, increasing blood flow and promoting pain relief and healing.
Can KT Tape help with hip arthritis?
Yes, KT tape can help with arthritis and hip pain caused by arthritis.
Where do you put KT Tape for hip pain?
You can put the tape on your outer hip, inner hip, or your groin to assist with hip pain.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK121650/
[2] https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7320900/
[4] https://edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/4685304/mod_folder/content/0/bandagens%20%20rev%20-%20Kalron%202013.pdf