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Hip Flexor Exercises - The Secret To A Strong Midsection

Hip flexors can tend to be a forgotten muscle group when it comes to working out.  We do not typically think of the hip flexors as a priority in keeping a strong core.  Leaving your hip flexors unattended after sitting long periods of time can lead to tightness and pain in your hips and low back.  A few simple hip flexor exercises a week can make a massive difference on tightness and pain levels.  In this article I will be walking you through some basic hip flexor exercises along with giving you some tips on how to live with a pain-free mid section and lower back.   

 Hip Flexor Exercises - QL Claw

Hip Flexor Exercises - Bulletproof Hips

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that are responsible for functions such as bending down and lifting your legs, while playing a big role in overall lower body movement and leg stability.  Strengthening the hip flexors through hip flexor exercises is a great way to improve lower body functions and overall stability.

In order to strengthen the hip flexors while avoiding hip flexor pain, you must keep your body anchored and concentrate purely on hip flexion.  Hip flexor isolation itself may seem simple, but without proper form, hip flexors exercises will be impractical. 


Hip Flexor Exercises:

Simple daily activities such as walking and running are a great start for improving strength in your hip flexors. Additionally, along with hip flexor exercises like the standing hip flexor stretch and bicycle crunch, there are a few helpful leg raise variations to strengthen your hip flexors.

For more advanced gym goers, the hanging leg raise involves hanging from a bar and lifting your legs up while keeping them straight. The straight leg raise is more for beginners and involves lying on your back and lifting both legs together while keeping them straight.

Apart from leg raises, hip flexor exercises such as split squats and mountain climbers can also help target and strengthen the hip flexor muscles. Also, stretching exercises like the pigeon pose can help alleviate tightness and improve mobility.

Check out this video below for a more in-depth look into hip flexor exercises. 


Hip Flexor Exercises - Release and Stretch

Hip flexor exercise pain treatment is a two step process: 1) Muscle release through deep tissue massage, and 2) effective stretching techniques. These two steps done correctly will open up your hips and potentially relieve hip flexor pain.

Hip Flexor Exercises Muscle Release:  One of the best ways to perform hip flexor muscle release is using the QL Claw device. QL Claw was designed specifically to dig deep into muscles and break up any tight tissue that is causing stiffness.

Hip Flexor Exercises Stretching:  Tight hip flexors result in an increase of strain and tightness in the low back, causing pain and built up tension. Stretching your hip flexors will reduce pain by giving back mobility to the muscle.  This will help prevent future injury to the low back and hips. 

For a visual reference on hip flexor pain treatment, check out the video below on the release and stretch technique being used on the IT Band.

Hip Flexor Exercises - Lower Back Resources

Hip flexor exercises will make a world of difference if done correctly.  Experienced coaching and a proper training program is the next step in maintaining a strong and flexible low back.  I suffered from years of aggravating back pain and what helped me was a combination of trigger point release therapy, isolated stretching techniques, and strengthening exercises.  The QL Claw is the only muscle release tool available that contributes to the 5 major muscles that could be causing you back pain.  

The flexibility and back of steel program are the exact stretches and exercises that I along with many others have used to live pain-free without multiple trips to the chiropractor.  For just $29.99 check out my personalized programs and cure your back pain in the luxury of your own home. 



[1] Donnelly, Joseph M. Travell, Simons & Simons Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: the Trigger Point Manual. 3rd ed., Wolters Kluwer Health, 2019.

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