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How To Sit With Piriformis Syndrome Without Pain

If the A.I. generated picture below describes your experience sitting with Piriformis Syndrome, you are in the right place. Piriformis Syndrome is a big enough pain in the butt (literally) to begin with, and the last thing we need is to make it worse by sitting. Use this post as a guide on how to sit with Piriformis Syndrome to minimize pain and maximize productivity.

How To Sit With Piriformis Syndrome Post

Guy (incorrectly) Attempting To Sit With Piriformis Syndrome


How To Correctly Sit With Piriformis Syndrome

I will give you the answer quickly - but I suggest you read on to learn why to sit this way, and also why not to sit other ways.

How to sit with Piriformis Syndrome (thanks again A.I.):

How To Correctly Sit With Piriformis Syndrome

In video format:

The description in a nutshell of how to sit with Piriformis Syndrome is to cross the affected side leg over the other. This puts the Piriformis muscle in a more stretched position so it does not shorten and contribute to Piriformis Syndrome symptoms. Hold this position as long as you comfortably can. It may feel nice to lean into and out of the stretch, push the knee down, or switch legs every few minutes [1].


How Not To Sit With Piriformis Syndrome

There are plenty of ways to sit with Piriformis Syndrome that can actually make your case worse. If you have a positive Piriformis Syndrome test you will want to avoid the following positions for extended periods of time:

  • Leaning back while sitting without a leg crossed (shortens Piriformis muscle)
  • Slouching on a couch
  • Sitting regularly for more than 2 hours straight (Piriformis likes motion - get up and walk)


How To Relieve Piriformis Syndrome (When You Are Not Sitting)

Piriformis Syndrome does not need to plague you forever. There are 2 simple steps you can take to combat Piriformis Syndrome right at your own home: 1) deep tissue massage and 2) stretching.

1: Piriformis Trigger Point Release:

The reason Piriformis Syndrome exists in the first place is due to massive tension in the Piriformis muscle. This tension is caused by Piriformis trigger points, knotting, and constant tension that shortens the muscle and keeps it tight.

Piriformis release through deep tissue massage is the best way to smash the muscle tissue and rid it of its trigger points and constant tension. This can be done via a chiropractic massage or by a physio, or at home with a specifically made piriformis release tool like QL Claw. Check out how to release the Piriformis muscle with QL Claw and the link below:



2: Piriformis Stretch

After the Piriformis muscle tissue is sufficiently smashed and rid of its constant tension, it can be very beneficial to stretch the muscle to further slacken it off the sciatic nerve and out of piriformis syndrome. Piriformis or sciatic pain massage is always the first step because stretching may be impossible with active knots and trigger points.

Here is an easy Piriformis stretch you can do to lengthen the Piriformis muscle. Try this stretch out for 60-90 seconds on each side, pulling the knee further and further as you can.

Piriformis Stretch - How To Sit With Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Stretch [2]


Concluding How To Sit With Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome does not have to be a lifelong pain. With the correct habits, it can be gone before you know it. Attack your Piriformis Syndrome while sitting and own your pain today!



[1] Donnelly, Joseph M. Travell, Simons & Simons Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: the Trigger Point Manual. 3rd ed., Wolters Kluwer Health, 2019.

[2] Davies, Clair, and Amber Davies. The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief. 3rd ed., New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2013.

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